All in Making Connections

Forging Meaningful Connections in the World of Art

Achieving representation in a saturated art market can be very difficult, and many photographers are left wondering how to get recognized in the tactile world of art, outside of the digital world of social media. To gain some insight on this, I recently had the pleasure of sitting down and asking some tough questions of two wonderful women who are forces in the art world: one an art gallery owner, the other a healthcare and corporate art consultant, both talented artists in their own right. Having worked with both for many years, I didn’t expect to learn as much as I did from this enlightening conversation, but I certainly was wrong!

Land Is a Community to Which We Belong

One of the interesting outcomes of this venture has been its influence upon my artistic process. The subject matter of my work has not changed much over the past few years. That is, not much beyond the normal evolution of subject and approach typical of an artists’ development. What haschanged, however, and in a positive way, is the intent and motivation of my work.